Brussels Minor Ball Day, News (Brussels Minor Ball)

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May 30, 2019 | James Hickling | 1946 views
Brussels Minor Ball Day
Below is a revised shcedule of events for the day.....
TBall 8:30-9:20
Pre Mites vs Belgrave  9:30-10:25
Atom Girls vs Listowel 2 - 10:30-12:00
Squirt Boys vs Chesley - 12:10-1:40
Squirt Girls vs Listowel - 1:40-3:10
Peewee Boys vs Chesley - 3:20-5:10
Peewee Girls vs Listowel 1 - 5:10 - 6:40
Men's vs MIlverton - 7:00
JR's Kitchen and Catering will be on site all day with their food truck. Portion of proceeds come back to minor ball.
Radar Throwing game - 11:30-12:30, 2:30-3:30, 5:30-6:30 - 1 ball for $2, 3 for $5. Prizes available for winning throws.
Beer Tent hosted by Brussels Tiger's Men's team - 5:00pm - 1:00am
Apparel samples will be available for order.

Brussels Tigers
The Brussels Tigers are a men's fastball team playing in the HCFL. League Champions 2015, 2017. The Tiger's have generously donated brand new Tigers jersey's to Brussels Minor Ball over the last two seasons.
Brussels Optimist Club
This service club has generously donated $5000 to Brussels Minor Ball. This has allowed us to purchase new helmets, catching gear, balls, bats and bags for every team in our organization. Thank you!