Mar 12, 2019 | James Hickling | 1198 views
2019 Ball Season Just Around the Corner!!!
As the 2019 season is fast approaching, below is some information on the upcoming season.
Current teams registered:
Pre Mite - to play out of Tri County
Mite/Atom - TBD
Squirt Girls - Intercounty Softball Association
Squirt Boys - TBD
Peewee Girls - Intercounty Softball Association
Peewee Boys - TBD
Bantam 1 - TBD
Bantam 2 - TBD
Currently, there is a freeze on all 2019 registrations. We are max numbers on all team as of March 1st. The Mite/Atom team, (2009/10), is still looking for players, as well as Bantam, (2003/04).
Any further additions will require executive and coach approval.
We will run more Indoor Clinics in the month of April, with the assistance of the Brussels Tigers Men's team. Tentative dates are April 16th, 18th, 23rd, 25th, 30th and May 2nd. The intent is to run some basic Hit, run, throw drills one night, and pitchers and catchers the next. More details to follow once confirmed.
Entry will be free again this year, with a non perishable food donation to be brought each night, for each participant, as entry. Donations will be passed on to a local food bank on behalf of Brussels Minor Ball and the TIger's Senior Men's Team.
Coaches clinic. We will look at holding an in-house coaching clinic for our coaches. The plan this year is to have an outline in place, prior to the season, of what the expectation is for each level by seasons end, and a plan to help the coaches get them there.
Ball Day will be held on Saturday June 1st. More details to follow.